Our organization, Georgia Advancing Communities Together, Inc. (Georgia ACT) is actively trying to create solutions and solve the problems that our community is facing. However, our efforts to engage and advocate on affordable housing, as well as equipping us with the technology and resources to continuously provide support to our communities will not reach maximum effectiveness unless we have the support from our local communities.

Each year, we host a number of networking events, training events, educational workshops and fundraiser events in the State of Georgia. Our main goal to attract more mission driven volunteers, which would love to utilize their educational skills or work-related skills to further enhance Georgia ACT vision throughout the State of Georgia.

This requires education, the formation of alliances and partnerships, the allocation of greater resources and continuously improving our public image. Georgia ACT has hosted as well as co-host several on-site voter educational forums in the urban and rural communities through the State of Georgia. Some of valued our partners are: HouseATL, National Low Income Housing Coalition, JP Morgan Chase, NeighborWorks America, Enterprise Community Partners, Southern First Bank, South State Bank, the William Josef Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, the Housing Justice League, Wells Fargo Foundation, SOWEGA Rising, Savannah Land Trust, Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, and more!

Become Volunteer

We have a large network of members assist in carryout Georgia ACT mission. Invest Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Choice Homes CDC, Enterprise Community Partners, Augusta Georgia Lank Bank Authority, The City of Fort Valley, Porch & Square, LLC., E. Wallace Strategies, Rhema Housing, Inc., The Greater Piney Grove Community Development, Inc., Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc., University Community Development Corporation, JCVision and Associates, Inc., and many others! It’s not too late for you to become a valued member of Georgia Advancing Communities Together, Inc. (Georgia ACT). Be sure to ACT today and sign-up to become one of our exclusive members.

It is imperative that we are at the forefront of transforming housing affordability throughout the State of Georgia through ACT Connect! ACT Advocacy! & ACT Capacity!

ACT Connect!

Connect and convene CDCs and nonprofits to address needs and build the capacity of these organizations to improve life outcomes for the residents in the neighborhoods and communities these nonprofits serve.

ACT Advocacy!

Build a broad-based constituency of stakeholders committed to housing advocacy to identify how we can collaborate and leverage our limited resources for the good of all Georgia families.

ACT Capacity!

Build industry capacity via training, leadership/professional development opportunities, and technical assistance.

Your membership in Georgia ACT helps us to advocate for increased resources and favorable federal, state, and local policy for families with limited housing choices, to provide technical assistance to mission-based housing developers, municipalities, and front-line grassroots affordable housing and community development agencies, and transform the lives of people! Join Georgia ACT today!

Save The Date

Housing Day at the Capitol, February 26, 2020